Apartment Hotel YOUR ROOM is a non-face-to-face accommodation without a reception. Therefore, you will be responsible for the check-in procedures.
check inWhat you need for the procedure
After entering guest informationMy pageYou can check anytime from
check inFlow from to entering the room
In the entrance lobby [check in box] and perform the check-in procedure on the tablet
follow the instructions[Check-in code] or [QR code]
After check-in is complete, a 4-digit key number will be issued to the room. Enter this on the touch key on the door of the room to enter the room.
Feels like a rental apartment
Feels like an apartment for rent
Amenities such as bath towels are prepared only for the first day, and there is no cleaning during the stay.*Excludes long stays.
About Apartment Hotel
Non-face-to-face self check-in
Non-personal self check-in
Since there is no front desk, check-in and other procedures must be done by yourself. Please contact us in advance if you have any questions.
With furniture and home appliances
Furnished with furniture and appliances
Kitchen/Cooking utensils/Washing machine/Bathroom dryer/Cleaning supplies